Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's Summertime!

Wooden Toy and Gift will be hold a special cooling weekend soon: We're going to celebrate Christmas in July again! Last year saw Rick marking down his 18" doll furniture, and the rocking motorcycles.
This year the motorcycles are just a memory, but there are a few pieces of doll furniture still available, and those will be available at reduced prices again this summer. And in addition, Rick has some new scroll work ready for show and sale. Watch for our signs, as we may open a few extra hours during the sale that will run from Friday morning July 11th through Sunday the thirteenth! Here are a few of the 2014 items he'll be offering-- click on an image to enlarge for details:

And here are some old favorites for Christmas in July: 

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We're happy to meet new friends, at our shop or virtually on the web, and are thrilled to see that we've had over 4,000 guests at blog since we opened it one year ago this month!

Thanks for visiting!
~ Rick and Terry Palardy,